Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA)- Advanced Gerontological Education (AGE)
Funded by NS Department of Seniors and LTC
GPA is a multidisciplinary education program owned and administered by the Advanced Gerontological Education (AGE). It is designed for everyone who interacts with older adults in the workplace. GPA is multidisciplinary and comprehensive in its delivery. It is evidence based, incorporating collective, established evidence from the dementia context and AGE’s own empirical evidence derived from extensive evaluations of GPA within organizations.
Using a person-centered and multidisciplinary approach GPA teaches caregivers how to respond respectfully, and with confidence and skill, to behaviors associated with dementia. Providing an opportunity for employers of the Continuing Care sector to train staff in GPA helps to build capacity to support residents living with dementia and also to help minimize the chance of risk for the employees.
The Nova Scotia Behavioral Resource Consultants (BRCs) currently support organizations in delivering GPA training within their respective zones and highly endorse the GPA program. Building the capacity for in-house GPA training will contribute to providing quality person-centered dementia care within the Continuing Care sector of Nova Scotia.
There are 4 available delivery streams which provides organizations with flexibility to access the training that best suits their unique needs and to meet their scheduling requirements.
GPA Coach Workshop- Trains participants to become GPA Coaches who then deliver GPA within their respective organizations.
GPA Basics- This format needs be delivered by trained GPA coaches in house (in-person or virtual).
Integrated GPA (iGPA)- Suitable for those facilities that have certified coaches and wish to use a blended approach to staff training.
GPA E-Learning- This format is appropriate for those facilities who do not have a certified coach on site and /or perhaps facilities that have coaches but are not in a position to deliver the GPA Basics or the iGPA program.
For further information contact Debbie Stewart GPA Project Coordinator at