The Working Mind (TWM)

We are pleased to announce that we have received funding from the NS Department of Seniors and Long-term Care to continue to offer the Working Mind(TWM) mental health training during the April 2024-March 2025 fiscal year. This evidence-based program is owned and administered by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and our trainers must maintain their certification under the MHCC to be able to deliver the training. This training is open to all managers/leaders and employees of both the Continuing Care and Disability Supports sectors. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of many if not all employees within the Continuing care and Disability Support sectors. Participating in training on mental health and resiliency to help employees cope and manage stress and anxiety remains of the utmost importance. The course was developed to provide practical knowledge and skills to address mental health and mental illness in the workplace. It is intended for employees as well as managers, supervisors, and team leads who manage and support teams.
1. What does the Virtual TWM program look like?
A) Certified Virtual TWM instructors provide the training using Zoom as the platform for online training.
B) There are 2 versions of the program.
Managers/Supervisors/Leaders Program- this training is for anyone who is in a manager/ supervisor position or other members of your leadership team such as Organizational Health, HR, and Educators. Many organizations also include their RN/LPNs as they are often in leadership positions within the organization. The program has recently been customized to meet the unique needs of the Long-term care sector across Canada. In Nova Scotia the adaptations are also suitable for staff working in the Home Support Sector.
The Manager training is a full 8 hours of training that is broken down into two (2) 4-hour sessions on separate days. Class times are from12:30-4:30 on both days. The MHCC requirements are that each participant completes the required training within a two (2) week time period. They also require that participants remain with their specific “training cohort” when the training is delivered in more than one (1) session.
Employees Program- this training is for all other employees.
The employee training is for a total of 5 ½ hours and takes place all in one day. Class times are from 9:30-3:00.
2. When will the TWM training take place?
The training will take place between May 2024-March 2025. There is a maximum of 15 participants in each program to assist with maintaining an effective learning experience for the participants. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.
3. How do I register staff to attend?
If you are interested in having your staff participate please reach out to the project coordinator. We can have your staff participate in “open” programs or deliver a program specific to your organization provided that you can fill the seats.
4. What are the employer responsibilities?
1. Please designate 1 (one) contact person to be the coordinator for your organization and to liaise directly with your staff and the Council’s TWM Project Coordinator.
2. The organizational coordinator is responsible for:
A) Communicating directly with the Council’s Project Coordinator and your staff participating in the training.
B) Registering your staff to attend the training directly with the Council’s Project Coordinator at no later than 2-3 weeks before the training dates. Note that space is more limited with virtual training so it is best to register early.
C) Provide the Council’s Project Coordinator with the required information on each participant including full name, position in the organization, and a valid e-mail address. Note: each participant must have a valid e-mail address to receive their certificate and the link for the free Booster session from the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
D) Distribute and ensure that your staff has the required materials printed BEFORE participating in the training (no later than a week before the training is recommended). It is very important that each participant has access to the PRINTED materials during the training to facilitate participation and learning. These materials include:
- A copy of either the TWM Employee Course Handout or the TWM Manager/Supervisor Course Handout (as applicable to the training they are taking.)
- A copy of the TWM Virtual Pocket Card.
- A copy of the TWM Participant Information Handout. Please review with your staff before they participate in the training.
E) Participants will receive an e-mail from the HCSC with the invitation to join the Zoom training as well as a link to the course materials at least a week before the scheduled training.
5. Other information to be aware of
- Participants are limited to 15 per session plus two instructors.
- To maximize the best learning experience for your staff and enable our facilitators to be effective EACH participant is required to have their OWN personal device. If participants are at work they should be in separate rooms to help cut down on static and noise. If this is not possible please discuss this with the Project Coordinator well before the training date.
- The platform used to deliver this training is Zoom. Participants are not required to have a Zoom account to access this training but will be prompted to download the Zoom app once they log on. Therefore, it may be easier for them to download Zoom before the training begins.
6. Are there participant supports available?
There are a limited amount of participant supports available for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. For information on reimbursement please click here. Please reach out to Joanne Jones, Finance Manager at for further information.
Contact information
If you have any questions or to register your staff to attend please contact Debbie Stewart, TWM Project Co-Ordinator at or 902-789-2403.